Roller Help

Quick Learner from Bellingham
Jul 1, 2019 12:56 pm
Hi, I need some rollers similar to Heavy Duty BB Roller, Product Code: 10-118... The case of my unit is 1/4 wide (OK) and 3/4 long (OK) but it is only 1/2" deep....Also the diameter of the wheel is only 7/16".... I need CONCAVE wheel too..... Do you have the part I need? Thanks - Tom
3 Replies
Casey from SWISCO
Jul 8, 2019 9:25 am


We don't carry a wheel exactly as you describe, but if you could send us a picture of your roller uninstalled, we'd be happy to research a possible replacement for you. I'm also curious is this roller is for a window or shower door. With this information, we'll be able to assist you more efficiently. Thank you!

Tom from SWISCO
Jul 11, 2019 8:26 am

I'm not sure if we have a match for this roller, but it's hard to tell due to its corrosion. When you refer to your 1/2" depth, do you mean the height of the housing? We don't have anything in that size, unfortunately. Looking through our inventory, the 10-118 you picked out is the closest thing we have to your specifications, but looking at the design of your housing in your photos I'm not optimistic it can work. I'm sorry that we can't offer a better match.

Quick Learner from Bellingham
Jul 11, 2019 8:46 am

I responded to the request for info in the ticket and indicated at the same time I could not upload the pictures requested via the website interface, either by browsing for them or moving the icons over?.
Can you see these attached pictures?
Thanks ? Tom
26-338 one-half-inch-tall one-quarter-inch-wide three-quarter-inch-long
4 user uploaded images
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