Rollers needed for 4' sliding doors

It's very difficult to determine a match without seeing the original removed. At this stage my best guess is the 81-133, but you'll only know once you compare dimensions to the original part.
Since this looks like an older aluminum door, you will probably have to remove the bottom rail before you can take the roller out. This can be tricky, since there's a risk of damaging the glass on accident. Make sure to be very careful.
What you need to do is remove the screws at the bottom corner of the door, then use a block of wood and mallet to gently--but firmly--tap the rail off the frame. That should give you access to the roller.
I'd suggest removing the roller to check measurements before you buy anything. Our 81-133 is close, but it's far from the only option, and based on the age of the door there is a chance that your original part is something we don't even have. Always better to be safe than sorry. The last thing you want to do is have to remove the rail multiple extra times because you got the wrong size.

Great, happy to hear it! Please feel free to reach out if you had any other questions.