Sash balance is 25" long and no attachments at ends , just a loop clip and a hook like clip in other end. Looking for replacements of this sash balance
Custom Balance Help

We can replace this balance for you, but it has to be custom made due to its unique design. This will be a 25" Series 770 with a rivet in the first top hole. That rivet lets the balance connect to an S-Clip like the 19-029 or 19-030, which then connects to the jamb track.
Now, we need to clarify a few details to make sure we get this right for you. Firstly, your old balance's stamp code of 24-7 is from an older rating system no longer in use. I believe it means you need balances that can handle a window sash in the weight range of 28 through 33 pounds, but I advise obtaining the exact weight of the window sash to confirm. Secondly, how many of these balances do you need? From there we'll get this moving for you.

We're very close. Would it be too much trouble to confirm the exact sash weight? I just want to make sure it's indeed at least 26 pounds. This weight falls out the standard weight ranges for this balance, and in that case we'll need to furbish balances with a higher stamp rating than what we ordinarily proffer. We can do that without issue, but I just want to be totally sure you need that before proceeding. Confirm that exact sash weight and we'll go from there. Many thanks.

Very well. I just sent you an email with a custom link to order three(3) 25" Series 770 balances with a rivet in the top hole. That rivet is meant to connect to an s-clip like the 19-029 or 19-030, sold separately (you can reuse your old ones if they're undamaged). These balances will be stamped 25E, which means they will calibrated to support a window sash in the weight range of 25 through 28 pounds. I advise triple-checking to make sure your sash fits this range; since custom orders are not refundable, it's always best to be safe.
Finally, I would be remiss if I did not mention we always recommend replacing both balances in a window, as when one fails the other usually isn't far behind; also, using a new and old balance in the same window can cause the new balance to fail faster. If you'd prefer four(4) balances instead, or have any other questions, please let me know here in the discussion before proceeding with your order. Many thanks.

Very well, I just sent a fresh link to order four(4) instead. Let me know if you have any other questions.