Where are the screw holes on your shower door sweep?

Home Owner from Florida
Oct 13, 2018 11:13 am

Are the screw holes standard on all sweeps? Q: Where are the screw holes on your sweep 10-325

from L to R.

Thank you


1 Replies
Tom from SWISCO
Oct 16, 2018 11:55 am

Hey there, Tom. The screw-holes on our shower door drip rails are located 4 inches from each end of the sweep. That said, it's my experience that these holes rarely (if ever) line up with whatever shower door I'm installing.

In 90% of cases, cutting the rail down to size and drilling new holes is necessary at minimum. The 10-325, 10-324, and 10-326 are after market repair parts that aren't made for any specific application, but are versatile enough to work on an absolute ton of different doors. The trade off is that some handiwork is needed to get them properly installed. Just something to keep in mind as you move forward with this project.

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