Searching for 50-1208

Quick Learner
I'm trying to locate keepers for my Jeld Wen windows. In corresponding with truth hardware, I determined the keeper number is 40929 for RH and 40928 for LH. I also learned the manufacturer's part number is 50-1208RH and 50-1208LH. I need 8 of the RH and 11 of the LH. The problem is Truth only sells them in quantities of 100. Can you provide them in the quantities that I need? thanks for your help.
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9 Replies
Emily from SWISCO

Hello there!

Thank you for contacting us. I'm afraid I couldn't cross-reference the codes you've given. However, take a look at the keepers we've related for you on this page. Go over the specifications and see how they compare with yours. 

Quick Learner from San Diego
Emily, thanks for the prompt response. The 38-289 and 38-290 are the correct shape but the dimensions are different. Attached is the spec sheet from Amesbury Truth with the dimensions of the keeper I need. Am very much hoping you can locate these. thanks for your efforts. Dave
Emily from SWISCO

We don't sell this exact keeper. However, please allow us to look into this a little further. I can't make any promises but we will reach back out as soon as we have more information. 

Thank you!

Emily from SWISCO

I just wanted to update you that we are still looking into this! Thank you so much for bearing with us. 

Quick Learner from San Diego
I very much appreciate your efforts. Thank you.
Emily from SWISCO

Thank you again for your continued patience! We've finally heard back from the manufacturer and we can bring in the keepers you're looking for. Just note that production is typically 5-6 business weeks. We will reach back out to let you know the moment they are available! 

Quick Learner from San Diego
WOW! I'm impressed. Thank you so much for your efforts. I will be standing by. Regards, Dave
Emily from SWISCO

Hi there, Dave. Please see the 38-292 keeper that we just added to our inventory. We're still waiting on the opposite-handed version so let us know if you needed that as well. 

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