Series 700 Sash Support

Handy Person from Blairstown, NJ
I am in need of a dozen window balancers. I believe your Series 700 supports will work for me. I have non-tilt windows with old balancers. The pictures I'm sending are a little rough. The only identifing marks are "15 JAPAN" and "19 JAPAN." They do measure 15" and 19", and measure 9/16" wide. Please tell me if it looks like your parts will fit my application.
2 Replies
Paul from SWISCO
I'm afraid we did not receive your pictures, but I will try my best to help. Based on the stamps you gave me, I think you may have Crossly windows. The "15 Japan" balance might be our S700-15 with a 1420 stamp option, while the "19 Japan" balance would be our S700-19 with an 1820 stamp option. We have a chart for each balance that shows how much weight each option can support, so you may want to weigh your sashes to confirm that my selection is correct.
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