Shelf Bracket Needed

Home Owner from Florida
May 28, 2021 9:07 am

Looking for a very old shelf bracket for an antique china cabinet. The ones available at hardware stores are too big. This one has PATD on one side and the #4 on the other. They have a little "hook" on the piece that fits into the hole.

The stock ones fall right out of the hole the holes in the cabinet are bigger than those.

Hope you can help! Thanks!


D6F33367-D654-4515-A941-019CD34DDC98 DD1D18C8-17FE-4F11-9316-7FF5DCD7B706 4C8419F1-F48B-4B50-83C1-8CF669B6255D
3 user uploaded images
1 Replies
Bob from SWISCO
Jun 2, 2021 2:04 pm

I'm afraid we don't have an exact shelf bracket like this. Could you somehow get out 32-305 or 32-329 Shelf Supports to work in a similar way? Take a look and give me your thoughts. 

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