Silverline model #1200

Home Owner from Richmond
Jan 17, 2024 1:28 pm
I need screen latch finger #200-607B-021 , need screen latch handle #200-607A-021 , need screen panel pull . Does this match to your 70-211 and 70-128 ? Also what's the difference between the 26-393B and 26-393A , tilt latch pair ? Does this work for my window? All parts white in color. Thanks.
silverline 7
1 user uploaded images
1 Replies
Jasmine from SWISCO
Jan 18, 2024 11:10 am

Thanks for reaching out! I was not able to confirm that the 70-211 and 70-128 are the right replacements based on the product information provided. Although, I can confirm that the 70-128 Screen Turn Clip is manufactured by Silver Line Windows. To confirm that these parts are the right fit for your screen, you'll need to carefully review and compare their dimensions and design.

Detail of 70-128
Detail of 70-128

Alternate image for 70-211
Alternate image for 70-211

The difference between the 26-393A and 26-393B is that the 26-393B has a peanut shaped "nub" on the side of the latch but they each have the same measurements. To confirm if either of these is the right replacement and which of them is the best fit, you'll need to confirm the measurements and compare the design of your latch to each of them.

If you are uncertain, I'll need to see a photo of the your existing latch removed from the sash. It would also help to know the dimensions from your latches, written out.

Dimensions for 26-393B
Dimensions for 26-393B

Alternate view of 26-393B
Alternate view of 26-393B

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