Sliding Glass Door Replament Rollers?

Home Owner from California
Apr 25, 2024 3:57 pm
I'm looking for a set of rollers. The current ones are no longer sliding smoothly and don't hold level. The only marking I can find on them is "DEL MAR ENGR." "PAT. PEND." They look to have a single Nylon wheel, and locking tabs. The hole drilled in to the side is from the previous owner who installed a locking pin on the bottom track, you can ignore that part as I will not be using the pin.
IMG_3123 IMG_3127 IMG_3126 IMG_3125 IMG_3124
5 user uploaded images
1 Replies
Dave Sr.
Dave Sr. from SWISCO
Apr 29, 2024 9:49 am

Thanks for reaching out to us, and for your patience while we researched a possible match for this part. 

I wasn't able to find an identical replacement, but look at our 81-022 assembly and see if it has the same dimensions as your original. This is the closest possible option I could find. If not, another idea would be to use the 81-228 wheel and axle and reuse the roller housing, but that would only work if the housing is still in good working order. 

Alternate image for 81-022
Alternate image for 81-022

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