Sliding door rollers

Home Owner from Kansas City, MO
We purchased a house with two sliding glass doors that need new rollers. We don't see any brand name markings on the doors, but the wheel is imprinted on the side with " KILIAN " TORONTO, CAN. SYRACUSE, N.Y. The wheel assembly is held in place with a 15/16 inch spring pin, and the wheel is held in the assembly by a shorter spring pin.

Can you help us find the right wheels / assemblies?
User submitted image of their door hardware.
2 Replies
Dave Sr.
Dave Sr. from SWISCO
This looks like an older style Capitol patio door. They called it the "Ozark" patio door. We do carry a replacement roller complete with a 1-1/8" wheel, but your wheel looks like it is 1-1/4". Tell me: is the wheel the only thing broken? if so, you could get away with just replacing that and re-using the housing. See our 81-224, 81-228 or the stainless steel 81-241. These are all 1-1/4" in diameter. We also carry the 81-203 and 81-303 axles, but neither match up to your axle length of 15/16". You might be better off just reusing the same pin. What I do when repairing this type of roller wheel is to use a 1/4" pin like the 21-026B to remove the axle in the roller.
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