We are renovating a home built in 1914 and we are looking for refurbished swinging saloon door hardware from that era that matches the existing hinges, which are not in good shape or good working order. i have attached the original hardware. the only marking i have been able to find on it is "CSB CO" - if you blow up the one hing you should be able to make out the "TRADE MARK" (TRADE on the top and MARK on the bottom) with the upside down trapezoid and the letters inside "CSB" on top and the letters "CO" below that. The elongated spring portion of the hardware is approximately 10-1/4" long and the butts in their open position measure approximately 3" x 3-1/4". I have attached photos. Please let me know if you need anything more from me and if you have any ideas where i could source these. I consulted with Spokane Hardware in Spokane WA where i live and they referred me to you.
Thank you,