Three identical double hung vinyl in need of lifts

Would one of your products likely adapt to fit?

Found a label suggesting MFG: SIL-5. - which I hope has meaning for you, photo attached.

You have the discontinued Silverline 1000 Series double hung vinyl window. These are one of the first series made by Silverline. I would say age is what caused the Series 765 tilt balances to fail. From your photos, you have the S765-21" tilt balance with a spring weight option of 20-3 for a sash weighing 10-15 pounds. You might want to weigh your sash with a bathroom scale to see if your sash falls in between the weight range. I have also related parts on this page that go with your 1000 Series window. Check them out and see what you think.

Thank you very much. My sash weighs 12 pounds - so looks like good match. I'd also need the piece which screws in under the sash ("shoe"?).
Inspecting just now, 12 hours after a shower, I don't see how so much water gets so far into the sash and stays so wet. (Rusty mess in there.)
Because of the disappointing performance, I'm also looking into replacing two entire units.
I'll get back to you if repair seems best option.

Thanks again.
Here's a pic where I removed the rusted out spring balance.
It looks to me as though your 26-040 might replace my rusted out pivot bar, which I haven't yet removed because the square drive is so small (even for my local hardware store). That and the 15-046 would work with your 765, I assume.

As long as our dimensions match up to yours, you should be good to go!