Tilt chanel balancer & Cam Pivot

I cant find it

We can supply your balances but it will need to be a custom order due to its configuration. At first glance, this looks like our Series 751 but your metal channel is squared off while ours is ribbed. That's a very important difference.
In order for me to get this moving for you, can you weigh your sash and tell me the weight? I just want to be 100% sure we're getting the right spring strength. Can you also confirm the length of the metal channel and the number of balances you're looking to purchase?
We don't sell your exact pivot bar, unfortunately, but our 26-150 is similar and our best option. Compare the specifications with yours and see what you think.

I will check with the customer, so please wait for a while.

Certainly. I'll be here to help whenever you can get that information for us.