Tip tilt on glass storm windows

Quick Learner from Minneapolis MN

My glass storm windows (Benada) are screwed together at corners.

Top tilt is nylon/plastic and has hole for screw that fixes it in place. It is 3/16 x 3/16 x 1 1/2 (including 1/4 tilt insert)

I have located other parts on your site (91-090, 95-016, 95-00995-008) that seem to fit Although my screen tilts are 3/16 x 3/16 rather than 3/16 x 5/32. Thirty plus windows to fix. Thank you!


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3 Replies
Dave Sr.
Dave Sr. from SWISCO

The top tilt you show in your photo that takes a screw is no longer available, unfortunately. Just a thought, you might find some at an older hardware store in your area that repairs storm sashes. With that being said, take a look at the 95-250 and the 95-140. Both of these corners have the 3/16" leg you need. What I have done in the past would be to cut and drill either of these corners to match the top tilt you show in your photo. Review the specifications and see what you think. 

Home Owner from St Paul MN
I'm also looking for that exact same corner tilt -- no luck so far. I'm going to try hacking some off-the-shelf components together to make something that fits. I only have a few that need corner tilts replaced.
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