Vinyl window counter balance

Home Owner from Yorkville, IL
This is a LoE, single hung, insulated, dual pane, vinyl window. We do not know the manufacturer. Window does not go up or stay up. Window is 69 inches long, 34 1/2 inches wide. It's about 10 years old. We've been to several hardware stores but can't find a part. Home Depot recommended your website. Please let us know if you have the correct part. Thank you.
vinyl window counter balance
4 Replies
Tom from SWISCO
Thanks for posting. This looks like our Series 395 channel balance, but with a special 15-198 hook attached on top instead of the usual screw tab. We can custom make this for you. Before we begin, can you tell me what the stamp on the metal channel reads? Can you also tell me the exact length of the metal channel? Finally, how many did you need?
Home Owner from Yorkville. IL
Thank you for your reply.
The stamp reads 32C
BSI TD (this part is written vertically)

The length of metal channel is 32 inches. We would need two of them.
Could you tell me what the cost would be to custom make this before proceeding?

Thank you!
Tom from SWISCO
Great, thank you. I'll email you a custom order link for 2 right now. This will include a price quote that you can review before adding the special balance to your cart.
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