Window Channel Balance

Home Owner from Cape Coral Florida
Good Afternoon,

I am looking for replacement parts for either the widow sash or Channel balance. The channel balance appears to be fine unless you can see that a portion may be broken. I can load them into the channel just fine but the window will not set on the balance at all. I am thinking I may need the sash portions that work with the balance I have.

The stamp on my non tilt balance is 23-9 JX CMC 7

Attached are photos of the Balance. Hopefully you can guide me to what I need to fix this one window. I will have to send a separate message with pictures of the Sash pieces.

Thank You
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3 Replies
Home Owner from Cape Coral Florida
Here are the photos of the sat itself. It is apparent there are plastic portions missing on the top of the sash but I don't see anything at the bottom. What keeps it resting on the balance? Missing part on the bottom of the sash? Top Portion that's broken?

Thank you for your help.
3 user uploaded images
Casey from SWISCO


With this combination of attachments, you could have either an S380-24 or S385-24 channel balance. You’ll need to measure as shown below. The Series 380 has a 1" bottom attachment, and the Series 385 has a 1-3/32" attachment. 

You'll also need to weigh your sash to determine which option you'll need. There is a chart on the product page that explains how to choose your option based on the sash weight.

As for your top sash guide, you can start by comparing the dimensions of the 18-166 to yours. If you notice any discrepancies, please show us an undamaged guide, as well as write-out your exact dimensions, and we can go from there. Thank you and let us know if you have any other questions or concerns.

Comparison of the S378, S380 and S385 balance shoes.
Comparison of the S378, S380 and S385 balance shoes.

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