Window balance

Quick Learner from Port Saint Lucie, Florida
Apr 28, 2024 7:19 pm

Length is 37". Metal part only. The stamp on my balance says 36 3. What size of yours do I need?

Thank you.

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5 Replies
Jasmine from SWISCO
Apr 30, 2024 9:15 am

Thanks for writing in to us! I am confident we can supply you with the replacement balance you need but I'll need to one more detail to confirm the exact replacement.

Please provide a photo of the pulley system in the center of the balance, where the spring and the string meet.

Feel free to reach out with any questions you might have in the meantime.

Quick Learner from Port Saint Lucie, Florida
Apr 30, 2024 3:09 pm
Thank you!
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2 user uploaded images
Jasmine from SWISCO
Apr 30, 2024 3:27 pm

Thanks for the photo! Your balance appears to be the S395-37 Channel Balance assembled with a winged top guide and a wingless bottom shoe. 

You'll need to select the 3630 stamp option.

Quick Learner from Port Saint Lucie, Florida
Apr 30, 2024 7:42 pm
Thanks for your help. I'm ordering them now.
Jasmine from SWISCO
May 1, 2024 8:25 am

My pleasure to assist! Please don't hesitate to reach out with any other hardware projects you may come across.

Have a great weekend!

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