I had originally ordered 4 window balancers but the top was wrong and the bottom stops were too big for the channel. The first ones were 34" Series 795 Channel Balancers(S795-34) the pictures I am sending you are of the ones I need. They are 34B but slimmer channels. I would like to order 4 again.
Window balance 34" series 795 Channel ?

Contractor from Taylors SC29687
Nov 30, 2022 11:58 am
3 user uploaded images
3 Replies

Contractor from Taylors SC29687
Nov 30, 2022 5:36 pm
Picture one: the old has a hook the one sent is a flat type. Picture Two: The old has the manufactures Specs on it The new one sent does not. Picture Three displays the old bottom on top of the new one sent, as you can see the top balancer bottom is smaller length wise than the bottom of the new one that was sent. Please call me if you need me to explain the pictures to you or for any other information you may require so i can place my order. Thank you.

Tom from SWISCO
Dec 5, 2022 10:34 am

Thanks for reaching out to us! I think I know exactly what you need. Your old balance uses the same "base" as the S795-34 but it has a smaller 1" wide shoe, the 15-194, and the hooked top fitting, 15-198.
We can supply a balance to you with this exact configuration but it will have to be a custom order. What I'll do now is email you a purchase link and price quote that you can use to add 4 to your cart. You may then checkout as normal.
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