I believe I need a 751 balance. These are for Malta windows. I see the balance knife lock shoe 15-014 that looks like the shoe in the broken windows I have. I see a shoe attached to the 751 balance but it looks like it is 90 degrees off? There is a "20" stamped on the balances I need to replace.
Looking for the cam pivot also possibly 17-093 ?
Pics attached.
Window balance

Contractor from MD
May 28, 2021 8:39 am
5 user uploaded images
2 Replies

Bob from SWISCO
Jun 2, 2021 10:24 am

Please measure the metal channel to confirm the actual balance length; it may be 21" rather than 20". Weigh the exact weight of the window sash to know what stamp option to select. Make sure the shoe actually resembles the 15-014, rather than something like the 15-197. Finally, for the pivot bar, see our 26-150.
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