
Home Owner from Ormond Beach 32174
They are for the top side of the window that lock to the rail
2 user uploaded images
21 Replies
Casey from SWISCO


Your top sash guide resembles the 18-161. Take a look and compare the dimensions below to confirm they match up to your part. Thanks for posting! 

Detail of 18-161
Detail of 18-161

Profile view of 18-161
Profile view of 18-161

Home Owner from Ormond Beach 32174

Looking for locks for the window

They call night lock

1 user uploaded image
Casey from SWISCO

I don't see anything that resembles the lock in your photo. If the part is missing, is there another window that uses the same part that you could show us? 

Home Owner from Ormond Beach 32174
It miss It also holds the guard rails when you go to install the window
Casey from SWISCO

I'm not sure but it sounds like you may be referring to the channel balances, which often sure a take out clip similar to our 16-002 to catch them at the top of the window when removing the sash. Take a look and see if this might be the part that you're looking for. 

Alternate image for 16-002
Alternate image for 16-002

Home Owner from Ormond Beach 32174
I sorry they are missing they are light time lock in side the fram
Home Owner from Ormond Beach 32174
Thank you so much!!!!!!!!
Casey from SWISCO

We're happy to help! I see that you purchased the 16-002 take-out clips. Just let us know if you need anything else.

Home Owner from Ormond Beach 32174
I need to order one more Take out clip also, are there any bottom guide that on the bottom of the Window like the ones on the top. Thank you for your time and appreciate it.if can please order them
2 user uploaded images
Casey from SWISCO

Top sash guides are only designed to be installed on the top corners of the window sash. If there is a part missing from the bottom, I would recommend checking the other side or an identical window with an intact version of the part that you need that you can show us. 

Home Owner from Ormond Beach 32174
Are there any guards on the On the bottom of that window 18-161 top are there any Of the bottom of the window norandex Will appreciate all your help. Thank you very much Michael.
Casey from SWISCO

There is no bottom guide used exclusively with the 18-161 if that is what you're asking. We would need to see a photo of the original part to confirm if it is something that we can supply. 

If you're asking if the bottom sash would use the same guides as the top sash in a double-hung window, they would most likely be the same but I would still recommend checking another window to verify. 

Home Owner from Ormond Beach 32174
My dog broke the widow I need to replace the glass do have the INSERT for the Fram for the window to the size 30 by 50 inch. Thank you all your help the last time You've been very helpful. Thank you, Michael.
1 user uploaded image
Casey from SWISCO

This looks like it may be glazing. If that's the case, we'll need you to remove an undamaged sample and show us a clear view of the end profile. Feel free to browse our selection here in the meantime. 

Home Owner from Ormond Beach 32174
The glass it's in the frame and I need some strips to lock it into the frame inserts
5 user uploaded images
Casey from SWISCO

I'm sorry to say that I still can't identify what you have here just yet. We specifically need to see the end profile. You can use our glazing selection here as a reference for what we're looking for. 

Home Owner from Ormond Beach 32174
Maybe this will help like I said it's the trim that locks the window into the frame itself. I had some photos. Thank you.
2 user uploaded images
Home Owner from Ormond Beach 32174
Sorry about that I didn't know the glazing was now I see what you said by searching for it I think I found what I was looking for. Thank you for your help we it it's been great working with you
Home Owner from Ormond Beach 32174
Can you help me find Glazing
3 user uploaded images
Casey from SWISCO

Unforutnately, we do not carry an exact match for your glazing bead but we've related our closest options on this page for you to review. I can't be sure if any of them would work for your repair but review the specifications shown on our product pages and see what you think. 

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