Windows hard to open and close

The current balance seems to just be too strong for the weight of the sash.
Your help would be amazing.
Thank you,

Thanks for posting! I am confident we have a replacement balance we can supply you with however, to be absolutely sure I'll need to see a photo of an undamaged balance removed from the window.
I am specifically looking to see a photo of the top and bottom plastic attachments from the balance. The stamp provided only indicates the weight range the balance can carry to support the sash. Unfortunately, we cannot use it to identify the exact series you need.
Please feel free to reach out with any other questions in the meantime.

Thanks for the photos! It looks like you have either the S351-20 with a 1" shoe or the S390-20 with a 1-1/8" shoe. To determine which series is needed for your window, look over the dimensions from the diagram below to confirm the depth of your bottom shoe.
You'll need to select the 1930 stamp option.
The metal clip attached to the window frame is the 16-002 Take Out Clip.