Channel Balance to be Replaced

Quick Learner from Englewood NJ
Sep 3, 2020 7:33 pm
I need to replace balances. Some are marked 20TG with a lenght of 21 1/4 inches and others are 36TG X with a lenght of 37 1/4 inches. I need the parts to attach the window as well. (see pictures). Could you tell me what exactly I need to buy?
Thank you so much,
Balance 1 balance 2 balance 3
3 user uploaded images
13 Replies
Tom from SWISCO
Sep 9, 2020 11:00 am

Hello, John. We can supply a replacement for this balance, but it will have to be a custom order due to its configuration. Before we go any further, though, I just need a bit more information.

First, can you show me a picture of the end profile of the metal channel? I want to see it straight on from the end. I can't tell if you have a ribbed or plain channel, but that will confirm it for me.

Can you also tell me how many of these balances you need?

Quick Learner from Englewood NJ
Sep 9, 2020 7:24 pm

Hi Tom,

You can find additional pictures attached. Hopefully you will have your answer.

I currently have 4 36TG X with a lenght of 37 1/4 inches and

2 20TG with a lenght of 21 1/4 inches to replace. But I have a lot of windows and I plan to buy some additional as I suspect there will be more that are going to break!

Thank you

balance 4 balance 5 Balance 6 Balance 7 Balance 8
5 user uploaded images
Tom from SWISCO
Sep 10, 2020 9:16 am

Thank you. I actually wasn't expecting your channel to be plain; I've never come across a plain style metal channel with a stamp that ended in TG or TGX. That's very peculiar. I hate to ask this, but could you tell me the exact weight of each sash these two balances support? That will allow me to calculate the proper spring strength. As it is, I'm not sure what that would be.

What I plan on doing is making you an S770-37 and an S770-21 channel balance, but swapping the bottom clip out for the 15-044. I think that will work for you, but I do have some concerns.

The first is obviously the issue with the stamps, but once you tell me your sash weights in each case we should be good to go on that front. Please make sure to be as precise as possible.

The other concern is length. You gave your lengths as 37-1/4" and 21-1/4". We can't give you a balance in either of those sizes. We can only supply balances with a metal channel length of 37" and 21" flat. I'm not sure if that will make a big difference; our balances may still work, but they may also come up short. You may need to lower their installation screw in the frame to compensate. Would that be okay?

Those are my only two concerns. Get back to me whenever you can and I can get the ball rolling on this custom order.

Quick Learner from Englewood NJ
Sep 10, 2020 6:55 pm
Thank you Tom,
I do not know what I would do without you!
I think I can figure the 1/4 inch issue out. The exact weight of the smaller sash is 20 Lbs and the bigger one is 32 Lbs.
Thank you
Tom from SWISCO
Sep 14, 2020 8:36 am

Thank you! Those weights are totally doable. I will email you two purchase links and price quotes right now for the requested balances. 

One last thing that I forgot to mention: your pivot shoe is a match for our 15-216. This will be fully compatible with the balances we'll send you, but just make sure its dimensions match those of your original. I think they will, but you can never be too sure. Also note that the 15-216 will not be included with the custom balances, it's only sold separately.

Please let me know if you had any other questions.

Quick Learner from Englewood NJ
Sep 14, 2020 1:22 pm
Perfect size, Thank you so much. I really appreciate the service.
I just placed my order.
Best regards,
Tom from SWISCO
Sep 14, 2020 2:42 pm

Great, thank you! 

Quick Learner from Englewood NJ
Jun 17, 2021 8:01 pm
Hi Tom,
I have another balance that broke. the size is slightly different. I need now 25 3/8 balances. I would need 4 of them and the T-lock pivot shoes. Could you prepare it for me as last time? Thank you so much in advance.
Best regards.
Tom from SWISCO
Jun 23, 2021 12:07 pm

Hello! That size is definitely peculiar. It sounds like the design is different compared to the one we talked about last year, too. I think it would be best if we start from scratch and get some photos of this one, just to place it safe. I'd also like to know the stamp.

Quick Learner from Englewood NJ
Jun 25, 2021 8:35 am
Good morning Tom,
You can find the pictures attached.
Thank you for your help.
Best regards,
f5 f7 f8 f9 f10
5 user uploaded images
Tom from SWISCO
Jun 25, 2021 11:51 am

This honestly looks like a standard Series 770, assuming that the metal clip that was at the end of the cord was the same. Can you double check the metal channel length? I've never heard of a Series 770 made in 3/8" increments. Could it have been cut down by the original installers?

Quick Learner from Englewood NJ
Jun 25, 2021 2:05 pm
Thank you for your quick answer. It is my reading. You can check on the attached pictures. I do not think it is a big deal if they are a little bit longer or shorter.
Have a great week-end.
f20 f21
2 user uploaded images
Tom from SWISCO
Jun 28, 2021 10:15 am

That is very peculiar. I'm not sure if we can get this size but I'll do my best to track it down. Can you tell me what the stamp reads? Can you also confirm how many you needed? Finally, just to be 100% sure, did your balance have the same 15-044 attached to the end of the cord, or was it something different?

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