Good afternoon. my balances appear to have gone bad, and the also busted one of the little plastic stops off of the top of the window frame near where the top of the balance would make contact. I believe the top of the balance is actually what busted it out.My balance is 23" 9, which I assume is 90 pounds? It is a fairly large window. Are the plastic pieces replaceable? How much are the new balances?
4 Replies
Paul from SWISCO
Mar 23, 2015 12:33 pm
Hello, Tim! It's hard to tell exactly what this balance is without seeing it removed. Watch the video below to see how you can remove a balance. In order to accurately identify the Series, we will need to see the top and bottom nylon attachment.
I also do not think your sash is 90 pounds. I recommend removing it from the window and placing it on a scale to determine the correct weight. Once we know that, we can also recommend a good stamp option.
Finally, see this other video on what you can do about the broken top sash guide. Your window appears to be a Kinco window, which uses our 18-166 top sash guide, but you will need to compare dimensions to be sure.
Handy Person from Jacksonville
Mar 23, 2015 7:11 pm
Thanks for the reply. Here are the additional images you requested. Let me know if I can supply any other info. I will weigh window if needed when I remove again.
Tom from SWISCO
Mar 24, 2015 9:38 am
Thank you! That's perfect. I've narrowed this down to two possible balance Series: our Series 385 and our Series 380 channel balances. The major difference is what nylon attachments come pre-attached; the Series 385 comes with our 19-005 and 15-004, but our Series 380 comes with our 19-005 and 15-005 instead. Please compare these nylon attachments to your own to determine which Series is a better match.
I'm afraid 23 9 does not correspond to any of our standard options. Fortunately, we have a chart on both the S385-24 and S380-24 store pages that show how much weight each option can support. You can simply compare the weight of your sash to these charts to determine which option is best for your window.
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