1960's era bi fold hardware help

Landlord from FL
Apr 9, 2020 4:21 pm
I am in need of some parts for half of a 1960's era bi-fold metal door. The track is 3' long !1/16 x 3/8. Not opposed to using the 5/8 track you have if it works based on these pin. Looks like I need replacement pins as well.

Thank you for any information.

IMG-1696 IMG-1695 IMG-1694
3 user uploaded images
3 Replies
Paul from SWISCO
Apr 13, 2020 9:20 am

It looks like you have the old Float-A-Way closet door. To make it easier for you to make the repairs, we suggest replacing both the pins and tracks from some of the doors and save them to make repairs on other doors. 

For the doors where you removed the hardware, we recommend either the 21-401 track for 3' closet doors or 21-403 for 6'. These would be used on both the top and bottom. The pins you will need for this door are one 21-002 bottom threaded adjusting pin and three 21-007 spring pins. You will also need 21-277 bumpers for the tracks. The pivot brackets come with the track.

Please let us know if you had any questions.

Landlord from FL
Apr 13, 2020 3:34 pm
What purpose do the bumpers serve and where are they placed?

Thanks again for the help

Paul from SWISCO
Apr 14, 2020 1:53 pm

Rubber bumpers like our 21-277 are placed in the middle of the track. That way, when you close a pair of doors, the bumpers add pressure to keep them close.

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