bottom closet door glide

Quick Learner

Cox 21-032 is written on the glide.

closet door guide
7 Replies
Tom from SWISCO
See the 23-021? Is this your guide?
Home Owner from Durango CO
No. It is not the 23-021. It does not have the plastic end that come below the edge of the glide.
Paul from SWISCO
Don't worry, it's not meant to be precisely the same. You have an old Cox bottom door glide, which has been replaced with 23-021. Your photo shows that the bottom locking fork has broken off.
Home Owner from Durango, CO

That is good news.

Home Owner from Burnaby British Columbia Canada
I have guides like the above pictured ones on my doors. The flat track that attaches to the floor was chipped and bent and discolored and really ugly so I foolishly threw it away and bought a replacement one at Home Depot. I didn't know there would be a difference, but the width of the groove isn't wide enough and the guides won't fit in. The groove on the track is 3/16 of an inch wide. Do you think that these guides will fit?
1 user uploaded image
Tom from SWISCO

Our 23-021 looks like it would be compatible with your track, but that doesn't mean it will also be compatible with your door. Unfortunately without the original guides to use as a reference it won't be able to make a more confident recommendation. This is one of those situations where you will have to use trial and error to find the right match.

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