channel balance Db27-3 replacement

Quick Learner from Dallas,TX
Oct 21, 2010 1:21 pm
I found the most similiar channel balance that I need to replace in your web. However, I am 100 percent sure if this will work. I don't know what is the manufacturer for windows, the replacement has letter and number. Db27-3. I found your series 380 is the most similiar one. Is it just okay to order a pair and use for my windows
1 Replies
Paul from SWISCO
Oct 25, 2010 12:05 pm
If you identified your channel balance series as S380, then the balance will be S380-28 with the option 2730. Your stamp does not identify the series so you will want to make sure your balance attachments match the top and bottom of the S380 (as seen in the product picture). You can see detailed images of the S380 top and bottom by going to the products 19-005 and 15-005.
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