channel balance + latch

26 5EW CMC 6
1 side of an identical window (not broken) is: 26 3 JV CMC 4
is there part option that will fit but is more durable (not brittle plastic)?

Thanks for posting! Your channel balance appears to be assembled with a pivot shoe hook. The replacement you need will be the S765-27 with a 26-5 stamp option. This balances appears to be used along with the 26-053A Balance Stop. Take a look over the dimensions and design to confirm that this is the correct replacement.

The compatible pivot shoe is the 15-046 1/2" thick Pivot Shoe used along with the 26-040 3" Pivot Bar. You'll need to remove your existing shoe to confirm that this will be a fit.

I'm sorry to say that we would not be able to supply you with a tilt latch made from a different material. I believe the ones you have might be the 26-393A, which is likely to be the best replacement recommendation we can make.

I'm happy to help! Please don't hesitate to reach out with any other questions you might have.
Have a great day!