need window balances

Landlord from Georgia
Jun 4, 2018 11:06 am
I need window balances. I could not utilize the Add Photo button but they are 24 inch. Can someone help me identify the correct one? Thank you
5 Replies
Paul from SWISCO
Jun 11, 2018 10:02 am

I think we can replace this balance, but it will have to be a special order. Specifically it looks like our S300-24 spiral balance, but with the standard shoe swapped out for our 15-020

To confirm, I'd like to see the bottom sash clips that lock to this shoe. In most cases, when the balance shoe breaks the sash clip is also broken. 

I'd also like you to tell me the weight of the sash and how many balances you need.

Landlord from Georgia
Jun 20, 2018 11:30 pm
Hello Paul, thank you very much for all you do.

I finally found someone who knows moderately about windows.
He guessed the weight of the sash is about 15 LBS. I need balances for about 10 windows - in pairs it will be 20 pieces. Please tell me the cost per pair, including all pieces for the pair.

Thank you
Paul from SWISCO
Jun 26, 2018 10:50 am

Hey, Elsa. Knowing the weight of the sash is definitely helpful, but we still need to see the bottom sash clip I mentioned. That will let us confirm what shoe you need attached to your balance, which is what makes this a special order to begin with.

Landlord from Georgia
Oct 14, 2018 11:04 am
Hello Paul. Sorry for the much delayed response. I have attached what you may have wanted to see. If you determine that, we can order a pair (for one window) to see if it works. If it does, we can order the remaining 10 pairs. Unless you can determine the right one for sure, we can order all 10 pairs.

Thank you, Paul
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4 user uploaded images
Paul from SWISCO
Oct 29, 2018 9:51 am

The S300-24 balance we mentioned before definitely looks like our best match. After you remove both balances, you should be able to remove the sash and check on the bottom nylon clips which the balance shoes will lock onto. If they are broken, you need to replace them before installing new balances.

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