What option should I select for Series 800 channel balance?

Home Owner from San francisco
Jan 2, 2012 2:01 am
hi my name is Eric, i have a question about 14" Series 800 Channel Balance, when i was trying to order the part, but it has a option of 13c 13b 13a, can you let me know whats the meaning of that? please define for me, thank you very much!
5 Replies
Tom from SWISCO
Jan 3, 2012 12:56 pm
Thank you for posting! There should be some sort of stamp or marking located on the metal channel. Please let us know what it reads and we will help you identify the appropriate option. If there are no stamps or markings, you will have to weigh the sash itself. To do so, simply remove it from the window and place it on a scale. We would need to know the weight in pounds.
Home Owner from san francisco
Jan 9, 2012 2:59 pm
hi ordered the size 14" option 14a,14b,14c but you guys didn't have them in stock,so i canceled my orders, i want to know which size you guys have in stock that has option a b c.thank you so much! i need them asap! thanks!
Tom from SWISCO
Jan 9, 2012 3:37 pm
Thank you for posting. Can we please know whatever stamps or markings are on your original channel balances? This will help us determine what you will need.

If your original balances have no stamps or markings, we will need to know your sash weight.
Home Owner from san francisco
Jan 10, 2012 6:52 am
its actually for my dad, do you have any sizes that has all options? do you have size 15" with option a b c? thanks!
Tom from SWISCO
Jan 10, 2012 8:24 am
Unfortunately, that's not quite how the stamp options are determined. If your original balance was a Series 800, then you should only order a Series 800 as a replacement. No other balance would work properly.

The three options--"13A," "13B," and "13C"--are based on the weight range that your balance can support. You must select only one for your balance. The best way to determine which one you need is to match it with whatever is stamped on your original balance. If your original balance does not have a stamp, then you must weigh your sash on a scale and determine the option that way. I would be happy to assist you in either; all I need is the number stamped on your channel, or the weight of your sash.
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