Thank you Jasmine for your quick reply! I agree this looks like the right match and I'll order them ASAP. Here's my follow-up question: do you think I've diagnosed my problem correctly and new rollers will fix it? Here's a photo as it is now, with the seemingly bad roller under the handle: the door sags and doesn't close at 90 degrees so there is a gap at the bottom, plus it takes effort to move the door. What do you think? Thanks, Bill
1 user uploaded image
Agh, I was too eager to order -- I ordered the rollers but I didn't think about ordering screws. Earlier when I was looking at your catalog I saw that screws seemed to be separate. Do you think the screws I have will fit or can we adjust my order to include the right screws?
Thanks Jasmine. Yes, I was able to pick up those machine screws at my local hardware store. I'm glad you told me what size I needed! We'll see how I do with the replacement rollers.
Thanks again Jasmine! This looks like it should fit so I'll give it a try. I was scouring the internet yesterday and I found something like this on another site, so I'm very glad that you have it and I can order it from you!
I was also pricing new doors as a last resort, and that renewed my determination to find a roller solution.
Jasmine, you have helped me a lot and I'm grateful for all the time you gave me. I've learned a lot about these rollers, and in removing and refitting the old one several times I've got it working better than when I started. I hope you see the nice review I gave you and Swisco!