N.K.G. shower door rollers

Purchasing Agent from Decatur, ga
I need to have these replaced. Does N.K.G. mean anything?
User submitted photo of shower door rollers.
6 Replies
Paul from SWISCO
I'm not quite sure I recognize this. Is this one unit with four rollers, or is it a twin wheel broken off a housing? Do you have a good sample that isn't broken?
Purchasing Agent from Decatur, GA
Twin wheel broken off of housing.
Dave Sr.
Dave Sr. from SWISCO
I can't quite figure out what the part looks like when it was together. Could you take a picture of one of the roller housings that's not broken and submit it to us? Or, you could possible lay out the broken parts and take a picture or two of that.

Hopefully we can ID it and give you some ideas on what to use.
Home Owner from Chandler, AZ
I also have the same double roller broken part from my radius corner shower door as shown above, I will add more pictures to clarify. Please let me know if you can ID where I can get replacement parts. The info on the glass panel on this door is ANSI Z97.1-1984 N.K.G.
Thank you, Les
User submitted photos of shower door rollers.
Tom from SWISCO
Thanks for posting these pictures! That's a great help. Now that I can see the whole unit, I recommend that you check out our 10-058. What do you think?
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