unknown latches to be replaced

Home Owner from Oakland, CA
2. slider
3. single hung, latch has some sort of spring in it?
6. unknown latch but may match one of the other ones I've uploaded
7. this is #3 cleaned up
5 user uploaded images
7 Replies
Casey from SWISCO


The lock mechanism shown in your second, third, and fourth photos strongly resembles the 90-252. We also carry the 90-253 cover and 90-255 keeper if you need those parts as well. As for the sash lock, we would need you to write out the exact distance between the installation hole centers to compare to our inventory. Thank you! 

Alternate view of 90-252
Alternate view of 90-252

Alternate view of 90-252
Alternate view of 90-252

Alternate image for 90-252
Alternate image for 90-252

Alternate view of 90-253
Alternate view of 90-253

Dimensions for 90-255
Dimensions for 90-255

Home Owner from Oakland, CA
Thank you Casey,
I will verify the sizing on the single hung and place the order. For the slider latch, I will get those measurements for you as well.
Home Owner from Oakland, CA
Hi Casey,
I verified that the latch dimensions you shared match up - I will buy those replacement parts, thank you.
For the sliding window latch, the holes are 2 1/16" on center. It is 2" wide at the narrow length and 2 3/4" wide at the wide length. It is 1 1/16" wide. The hole is also 11/16" on center from the wide length part of the latch.
The latch base attached to the inoperable part of the window is is 2 3/4" long with holes 2 1/4" on center.
Is this enough for you to recommend a replacement?
5 user uploaded images
Casey from SWISCO

Thanks for getting back to us. I would recommend looking over the 90-278 shown below. It comes with its own keeper but you have a recessed version like the 90-282. Review the specifications of both parts and see what you think. 

Dimensions for 90-278
Dimensions for 90-278

Dimensions for 90-282
Dimensions for 90-282

Alternate view of 90-282
Alternate view of 90-282

Home Owner from Oakland, CA
Hi Casey,
Sorry this took a while to get a photo of. My husband removed a band of the glazing and it never made it back to me. Here's a photo of the glazing edge, hopefully this enough for you to go on?
2 user uploaded images
Dave Sr.
Dave Sr. from SWISCO

Your glazing bead appears to push straight into the frame. Unfortunately, we were not able to find a glazing bead that would install this way. We do offer the 55-090 and 55-050 that are similar but we can't guarantee that either would work for your repair. Take a look and see what you think. 

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