windoe balancer

Distributor from waco tx
May 16, 2024 4:08 pm
I am trying to find out what i need,the old one has the number # 3118 on it
IMG_9827 IMG_9826 IMG_9828
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1 Replies
Jasmine from SWISCO
May 17, 2024 12:02 pm

Thanks for posting! It looks like you have either the S351-32 with a 1" shoe or the S390-32 with a 1-1/8" shoe. To determine which series is needed for your window, look over the dimensions from the diagram below to confirm the depth of your bottom shoe. You'll also want to double check that the length of your channel is 32".

Comparison of the S351 and S390 balance shoes.
Comparison of the S351 and S390 balance shoes.

Unfortunately, I am not able to cross-reference the stamp from your balance with those on ours. That said, to determine the correct stamp, you'll need to obtain the exact weight of your sash. 

There is a chart below the product description of both balances that lists the weight ranges each stamp can support. If the sash weight is more than 42lbs please let me know.

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