Hello -
I have a window balance channel, stamped 25 3 GK Caldwell
It has a 15-004 shoe and a 19-002 top attached
The metal channel is 25 15/16"
The chanenel width is 1/2"
Which part in your catalogue should I order to replace my broken part>
Thank you for your time!
window balance channel replacement

Quick Learner from Hillsboro, OR
Oct 3, 2011 3:12 am
5 Replies

Tom from SWISCO
Oct 3, 2011 2:11 pm

This particular balance attachment combination can be custom ordered. Check to make sure the length of your channel is 24" (do not include the plastic attachments in your measurement). Let us know and we can get the ball rolling.
Also, feel free to submit photos of your balance attachments if you would like us to take a look at what you have.

Quick Learner from Hillsboro, OR
Oct 4, 2011 1:44 am
Hi Mike -
Thanks for your quick reply! I am attaching pictures of my balance attachments to double check with you that I am ordering the right part. Also, I double checked and my channel length is 25 11/16" - this measurement does not include the balance attatchments. Would a 26" channel work?
Thanks for your further assistance,
Thanks for your quick reply! I am attaching pictures of my balance attachments to double check with you that I am ordering the right part. Also, I double checked and my channel length is 25 11/16" - this measurement does not include the balance attatchments. Would a 26" channel work?
Thanks for your further assistance,

Tom from SWISCO
Oct 7, 2011 8:52 am

Alright George, I think we're good to go.
Now, we do not list balances measuring on the 1/2" (like yours) online.
However, this balance can be made for you. I'll go and email you a purchase link and price quote for your review. You can use this link to place an order on our website.

Quick Learner from Hillsboro. OR
Oct 9, 2011 8:16 pm
Hi Mike -
Thanks for your help. I'll get my parts on order.
Thanks for your help. I'll get my parts on order.
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