Window Channel Balance Options

Handy Person from Orange Co. CA. 92688
Hi, I want to replace channel balances in two windows, one of the window balances are marked as follows: 33 4 GO and 33 2 FO they measure 34" long and are 9/16" wide with a hemmed edge while the window measures 34.75" long x 44.75" wide. The second window measures 33" wide x 29" long and the balances are 28" long x 9/16 wide with hemmed edge. They however, have no markings of any kind. both windows use the 380 series. Is it possible to talk with someone? I want to order the parts a.s.a.p. Thanks. James
2 Replies
Casey from SWISCO

Hi James! You're already on the right track by identifying the Series and channel lengths. I'll do my best to help you pick the right stamp options.

A stamp of 33 4 and 33 2 usually match our 3340 and 3320 options, respectively. In regards to the shorter balances that have no stamps, you'll need to weigh your sash on a scale to determine what you need. There's a weight chart on the S380-34 store page that tells you precisely how much weight each option supports. All you have to do is reference these charts.

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