Window Channel Balance Options

Handy Person from Orange Co. CA. 92688
Nov 16, 2010 5:45 pm
Hi, I want to replace channel balances in two windows, one of the window balances are marked as follows: 33 4 GO and 33 2 FO they measure 34" long and are 9/16" wide with a hemmed edge while the window measures 34.75" long x 44.75" wide. The second window measures 33" wide x 29" long and the balances are 28" long x 9/16 wide with hemmed edge. They however, have no markings of any kind. both windows use the 380 series. Is it possible to talk with someone? I want to order the parts a.s.a.p. Thanks. James
2 Replies

Casey from SWISCO
Nov 17, 2010 6:49 am

Hi James! You're already on the right track by identifying the Series and channel lengths. I'll do my best to help you pick the right stamp options.
A stamp of 33 4 and 33 2 usually match our 3340 and 3320 options, respectively. In regards to the shorter balances that have no stamps, you'll need to weigh your sash on a scale to determine what you need. There's a weight chart on the S380-34 store page that tells you precisely how much weight each option supports. All you have to do is reference these charts.
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