1984 window hard to turn small crank. Looking for a longer handle or ADA handle.

Home Owner from Billings Montana
Aug 28, 2023 3:24 pm
Looking for ADA handle or longer handle crank. Hard to turn crank. 5/16" diameter
1 user uploaded image
10 Replies

Emily from SWISCO
Aug 30, 2023 10:13 am

Thank you for reaching out to us. Can you show us a photo of your operator with the window open so that the arms that move the sash are fully visible? Once we can identify the operator, we can determine which handles are compatible with your assembly. Thank you!

Home Owner from Billings Montana
Aug 30, 2023 7:01 pm
Here are requested photos
3 user uploaded images

Emily from SWISCO
Aug 31, 2023 8:25 am

Home Owner from Billings Montana
Aug 31, 2023 8:58 am
Shaft is 5/16 measured with a caliper

Home Owner from Billings Montana
Sep 1, 2023 3:29 pm
39-274 seems best to us. Can we order 4 in light bronze & return if for some reason they don't work? Otherwise we would just order 1 & try it out. Thanks

Emily from SWISCO
Sep 5, 2023 8:16 am

Certainly, our return policy can be found here just in case. All orders can be placed directly on our website at your convenience!

Home Owner from Billings Montana
Oct 8, 2023 11:17 pm
I need to go back to the original type of window crank handle I sent the pictures of because of our screens. Can you send me the model # for this small handle in light bronze without the long arm?
I need to go back to the original type of window crank handle I sent the pictures of because of our screens. Can you send me the model # for this small handle in light bronze without the long arm?

Emily from SWISCO
Oct 9, 2023 8:06 am

We don't sell a T handle for a 5/16" spline. The 39-102 T handle that fits an 11/32" spline appears to be our best option. However, we don't have this in a light bronze color option, unfortunately. I am sorry for the inconvenience.
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