Pivot Bar for Better Bilt Wondow

Quick Learner from Timonium, MD
Nov 3, 2010 1:54 pm
I just found and ordered some replacement window parts on your wonderful website...and now that I am getting the hang of repairing th windows, plan to now order a few more parts....but I am bombing-out on locating the correct pivot bars for my ca. 1992 Better Bilt aluminum windows. I have looked at a few other sites in addition to yours and have not seen the right thing. Any suggestions?

Here are several pictures of the pivet bar. It comes from an aluminum window in a house that was built in 1992. From what I remember, the windows were maybe made by better Bilt. No markings exist that I can find.
User photo of their Better Bilt pivot bars.
7 Replies
Paul from SWISCO
Nov 8, 2010 7:14 am
I believe I found the replacement pivot bar you need. Once it arrives we will add it to our online catalog. I will respond back here when it is published.
Quick Learner from Timonium
Nov 8, 2010 10:24 am
Thank you SO much!
Casey from SWISCO
Nov 22, 2010 10:13 am
The Better-Bilt pivot bars are now available, see SWISCO product code 26-375
Quick Learner from Timonium, MD
Mar 3, 2022 5:55 pm
I need to remove/replace the spring loaded pivot bars in one of my 1992 vintage Better Built windows. Looks like I will need to partially remove the bottom of the sash in order to get the little stop pin on the bar in and out of the window?is this sounding correct. Any tips or advice on how to do this without ruining the window?

I am replacing with a https://www.swisco.com/Better-Bilt-Pivot/pd/Tilt-Window-Replacement-Sash-Pivot-Bars/26-375
Casey from SWISCO
Mar 4, 2022 1:43 pm


We heard back from another customer who was dealing with the same pivot bar and they mentioned that they had to remove the screws that hold the window frame together to access the pivot bar. You can view their thread here. Unfortunately, some windows are designed in such a way that they can't be easily repaired.

Quick Learner from Timonium, MD
Mar 4, 2022 2:23 pm
When replacing the 26-375 pivot bars on a Better Bilt aluminum lower sash, it looks like it is necessary to remove two screws and then remove (or at least displace) the bottom piece of the sash in order to slide the bars in. Anybody ever try this before? When I get my replacement bars next week, omma give it a try!
Quick Learner from Timonium, MD
Mar 7, 2022 2:26 pm
Just minutes ago I received my new 26-375 retracting pivot bars (and tensioning springs) and immediately popped them into my Real Bilt aluminum sash I haven't been raise/lower since 2010.

As had been mentioned earlier (and elsewhere here on your site,) I first had to remove a Phillips head screw from the bottom of each side of the sash in order to pry the sides of the sash apart (the prying apart was never explained anywhere)so I could insert the new bar-spring unit fully into the channel at the bottom of the sash. It's a somewhat scary process but it went well and I was able finagle the bars into the channel despite the little "speed bump" dimple on the top of each bar (the purpose of which is to keep the bars from falling completely out of their channel, once they are uncoupled from the tilt bar shoe).

A little mangling had occurred from me monkeying around with removing the bars some 12 years ago, but some silicone spray and working the bars in and out for a few minutes has them working pretty well now.

Thanks for your help and for providing the parts I needed.

What should be the fist picture shows prying one side of the sash open (after removing the side screw) and inserting the new pivot bar. The final picture shows closing the open side of the sash with a hammer.
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