Question about Acorn window balance #2030

Home Owner from Peck, KS 67120
May 1, 2012 2:32 pm
my acorn window balance shows an id # of 2030 stamp on it.
Does your 21" Series 710 Channel Balance replace my acorn balance?
If not do you have one or resource to replace my 2030 acorn balance.

Looking forward to your return email.
Thank you, Bill
1 Replies
Paul from SWISCO
May 1, 2012 2:35 pm
Thanks for posting! Actually, 2030 is not an identification number. It simply denotes the sash weight capacity of the balance. As you can see on the S710-21 product page, one of the stamp options is 2030. If you do have that Series, that would be the option you'd want to choose.

That said, I am not sure if our Series 710 would replace your Acorn balance. To help us identify the correct replacement hardware for your application, please remove the balances from your window and take a few pictures of them, and then post them here for us to look at.

Please make sure you take a picture of the attachments on both ends of your balance.
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