10-134 replacement rollers

Home Owner from Canby, Oregon
Thank you for sending the above replacement rollers for our folding shower doors so quickly. Is there a trick to getting the rollers into the tracks? The top shower bar is easily removed so you can slide the panels with rollers in easily. The bottom track is stationary so looks like you have to snap the rollers into place. It does not appear to be possible. There must be a way without removing the entire framework of the accordion door which is attached to the fiberglass shower stall. The rollers are exactly like the ones we are replacing. Help!
3 Replies
Dave Sr.
Dave Sr. from SWISCO
Thanks for posting! I'm actually not very familiar with the installation of these doors. However, if the top track is removable, it should be a simple matter of installing the new parts on the doors, placing the door back in the top track, and then finally remounting the doors into the bottom track. You might want to get some extra help when doing this. It could be a two-person job.
Home Owner from marshville nc
still have original installation booklet. Hope you understand my prose. Push the folding curtain all way to one side-then push the opposite end of the top track up out of the notch in the side post. This should allow you to lower this same end down to easily take folding curtain from upper and lower track. Hope this helps. I just ordered some of these rollers and had to read instructions to refresh my memory.
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