1.75" thick toilet partition door

Professional from Garland,Tx.
I have ordered and recieved Part #10-561 4 pair. These are for 1"thick metal doors with the hardware built into the door. The doors that I have are a commercial stain grade 1.75 thick solid, that I need to put this same kind of hardware on but I need also all the other pieces to make this work, strike plate,bolt,etc. Do you carry any thing for a door this thick that can be used for this type of application.
3 Replies
Tom from SWISCO
Good Morning,

We are currently researching your situation. I will post an update on the discussion board as soon as more information becomes available.
Tom from SWISCO
For your application, you will have to go with a slide latch. It appears you need a complete door set, however a 1.75" door is pretty uncommon.

In our attempt to find a solution, please advise the thickness and material being used for the pilasters. Please also advise the weight and swing of the doors (Ex: Right Hand Inswing, Left Hand Outswing).
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