20810, r30842 Crank Operators

Home Owner from Wisconsin
My home was built in 1986 and has some info stamped on the arms (..."20810 stamped on the arm and also r30842...."). I did find one window with an operator that apparently been replaced and the new item is stamped 31538A (looks similar to your part 39-031). I cannot accurately measure the longer arm to the middle of the base, so I was wondering if the long arm comes in varying lengths if the shorter arm ("A") is 4-7/16?
Photos of old and new operators shown.
A customer submitted photo of a window operator.
2 Replies
Dave Sr.
Dave Sr. from SWISCO
Thanks for posting! Based on your images and stamps, it does appear that you have something similar to our 39-031 EntryGard Dual Arm Operator. However, without knowing the dimensions, I can't say for certain.

There is no easy way to measure the long arm length without first removing the operator from the window, however with this style of operator you should be more concerned with the short arm. If I were you, though, I would take the operator out of the window and double check both arm measurements just in case. You can never be too sure if you have something out of the ordinary.
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