2430 B.S.I. channel balance - extension spring

Quick Learner from traverse city, mi
Please provide price & any further instructions available for complete coil spring balance assembliess in need. I would like to get (2) for now and if they work i will need 6 total sets.

channel length = 25" (without plastic guide)
Channel width 1/2 (9/16 actual)
stamped 2430 (B.S.I.)?

window is vinyl sash 26 x 34 pane w/double glass panes (Thermal)
User submitted photos of their 2430 BSI channel balance.
5 Replies
Tom from SWISCO
Thanks for providing images. Unfortunately we need to see a couple more views of each attachment. Identifying the plastic attachments at each end is what determines which replacement balance series you will need to order.

The stamp looks good. The first two digits represent the spring measurement (if you add 1" you will get the channel length - in your case 25"). The second two digits represent the spring strength.

By the way, 'coil balances' are a different type of balance from what you have. You have what is commonly referred to as either a channel balance or a block and tackle balance.
Quick Learner from traverse city,MI
i tried to give enough views of each plastic detail on each end .....hope this helps
Quick Learner from traverse city
more pictures.....
User submitted photo of channel balance.
Tom from SWISCO
It's still a bit difficult to determine, but I would begin by taking a look at the S390-25 (with option 2430).
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