25" long yellow tip balancer

Quick Learner from mississippi
I have a 25" 3/8" yellow tip window balance with 0300 on it. What do I need to order?
8 Replies
Tom from SWISCO
That depends on a lot of factors. Can you show us a picture of the balance removed from the window? Specifically, I would like to see a picture of the top, bottom, and of that "0300" stamp. Thanks!
Quick Learner from MS
This is a pic of each end.
User submitted image of their window hardware.
Paul from SWISCO
Thank you! I see now. I believe you have our S900-25 spiral balance. Just make sure the diameter of your outer tube is 3/8". The balances in your pictures are currently missing their outer tubes, so measuring the diameter of the naked spring won't tell you what it is.

The Yellow Tip option for the S900-25 is very strong, meant for sashes weighing 24 through 34 pounds. Does your sash weigh that much? If not, I recommend referring to the chart we have on the S900-25 store page to determine the proper replacement option.
Quick Learner
So I suppose that the diameter would be the 5/8 since it couldn't be the same size as the spring and yes the sashes are very heavy seems like to me but I am a girl. So I need the S900-25? And I have a couple of them that are a couple of inches shorter but they look just the same. Can you tell by the balance if these windows tilt? And can you link me to a youtube that will show me how to install. I am a quick learner ya know...... :)
Tom from SWISCO
Yep, I'm confident that these windows tilt. If you had to push in latches and swing it in to remove it from the frame, then that will confirm it. As for the tube diameter, if it is 5/8" then you would want our Series 600 instead. This is an important detail so you definitely want to confirm. If there is an identical window in the house that may still have its tubes intact, you can measure that to be sure. If the outer tube is 3/8", we recommend the Series 900 spiral balance.

Finally, we have a very helpful video on how to replace this kind of balance. This should make things clearer for you.
Contractor from collierville, tn
I have this exact balance, S900-25 but it has a yellow tip and that is no longer an option on this balance. Should I get the green tip instead since it has the highest weight to it?
Tom from SWISCO

Before you buy anything, I highly recommend weighing your sash on a scale to verify its exact weight, then check the weight chart on the S900-25 store page to see if the Green Tip would work. 

You can't just put any spring calibration in this window; it has to cover your sash weight. Too light and your sash won't stay open. Too strong and your sash won't stay closed. 

Weighing your sash will ensure that you don't have to guess. You will know precisely what kind of calibration you need and can make an informed decision from there.

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