27" channel balance
Quick Learner from Reno, NV
Aug 20, 2017 11:36 pm
The metal part of my channel balance measures 27" x 1/2". The numbers and letters that appear on it are... " 26 4 DU CMC 4 ". The original windows are just over 16 years old
5 Replies
Quick Learner from Reno, NV
Aug 20, 2017 11:37 pm
looking for your part number to replace my damaged unit.
Tom from SWISCO
Aug 21, 2017 10:39 am
Welcome to SWISCO. We aren't able to tell which balance Series you need for your 27" balance with 2640 stamp option. We need to see both plastic ends. Can you send us a photo?
Quick Learner from NV
Aug 21, 2017 8:57 pm
Here you go...
Tom from SWISCO
Aug 23, 2017 3:49 pm
As I said, you have a 27" balance and a 2640 stamp option, which you'll need to know to order. Now, I can tell from looking at your plastic end pieces that your balance is a Series 380 or a Series 385, but to pick which one you need, you need to measure the shoe as shown at the bottom of the page. If your shoe is 1-3/32", pick a Series 385, but if it measures only 1", choose Series 380.
Alternate view of 15-004