I need to order a pair of 29" channel balances for a window that weighs 20 pounds. I'm sure that I need either the 380 or 385 series, but I'm having a hard time seeing any difference between them in the pictures. It appears from the picture that the 385 has a slightly deeper protrusions that catch the window base on the 15-004 shoe.
My shoe measures 1 and 1/16th inches from the sliders to the furthest extent of the protrusions.
Is this sufficient for you to advise which to order?
4 Replies
Tom from SWISCO
Nov 1, 2012 9:22 am
Thanks for posting! Yes, I would recommend the Series 385 channel balance, based on the dimensions of your bottom shoe. Even just eyeballing it, I can tell that it's a bit thicker.
Home Owner from Carlsbad CA
Nov 1, 2012 12:03 pm
Thanks for confirming that the channel balances I need are the 385-29's.
The window weighs ~20 lbs, so I think I want the 2830 stamp. However, my original channel balances are both stamped 2890.
Can you confirm that based on the 20 lb weight, 2830 is what I need, and that I can ignore the old stamp of 2890.
Tom from SWISCO
Nov 1, 2012 12:59 pm
Yes; as you can see on the chart for on the S385-29 product page, the 2830 option is meant for window sashes that weigh 16 through 23 pounds.
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