2950, balance from an impact window

Handy Person from Fort Myers, Florida

Good evening,

This balance is from an impact window, the sash is heavy, it does not have more reference numbers, I appreciate that you help me identify which one I should order, I ordered months ago for another window but it did not hold the sash enough. 

The length is 30" and looking at the photos I think it may be the series 385 channel balance, but I'm not sure. I appreciate the help.

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2 Replies
Jasmine from SWISCO


Thanks for your post! The balance you have is a custom Extended-Travel Channel Balance and would not be interchangeable with the Series 385 Channel Balance. There are quite a few notable differences between the two balances, the most important being the length of the channel and the shoe installed to the bottom; the length of the channel should be 29-7/8".

I'm happy to provide you with an order link for the replacements but I'll need to see a photo of the hook/clip that should be attached to the shoe. This is important for how the balance installs in the window channel. You may need to find an undamaged balance with a hook/clip still attached.

I'll need to know the exact number of balances you intend to purchase to confirm pricing and availability. There is an quantity minimum of (2) for Extended-Travel assemblies.

Please don't hesitate to reach out with any other questions you might have.

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