3 inch Pivot Bar for tilt window

Home Owner from Burke, VA


I?m looking for a pivot bar (see photos). It's simlar to the 26-396 T-NOSE PIVOT BAR, 3-1/8", without the "Tnose" and is 1/8" shorter. I have three broken and will need to order 14-16. Better to replace them all now than one at a time. Please help.

Thank you.


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4 Replies
Tom from SWISCO

Thanks for posting, Leo. I've seen this before. I believe we identified it as an older Slocomb tilt bar. Our 26-129 is the newer style. I think it could still work for you, despite the different type of tip, but you would need to file off the "ring" around the end end of it to fit your tilt shoe cam. Could that work for you?

Home Owner from Burke, VA
It?s possible it would work and a good excuse to get a Dremmel. Could the part I identified work if I file the nubs off?

Thank you. Leo
Tom from SWISCO

I can't guarantee if either part will work, since they're both slightly different in a bunch of different ways. However I don't think you'll find anything closer on the market. Whether you go with the 26-129 or 26-396, you'll definitely have to file the collar/nubs off.

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