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31' tilt out spiral balance

Quick Learner from NY
The plastic tip is broken. All I need is the plastic tip. Do you sell the plastic tips? Also, would a blue tip be more robust than the red I have now (25 lb. sash)?
8 Replies
Tom from SWISCO
Thanks so much for contacting us. We recommend you stick with the color tip that corresponds to your sash weight. So, I'd stick with the red tip. I'm not sure what you mean by do we sell tips. I think you may mean shoe. Can you please send a photo of the part you're looking for? In the meantime, look at our selection of spiral balance shoes and see if any of these look like what you need.
Quick Learner from NY
I'll try not to be a smart-ass. The tilt window spiral balance red tip that you, Mike, recommend is the red tip I refer to. Just the red plastic tip. I assume that is a part that is not normally sold separately. I could use about 20 of them as none of the tilt window spiral balances in my house seem to work,(20+ years old my guess).It appears that the broken red tip is only problem. Other people I've talked to have the same need. Could someone check with the boss and see if selling this part is an option
Tom from SWISCO
I understand now, sorry! The reason for the confusion is this: the plastic tips don't contribute to the function of the balance. They just indicate the strength. If your balance tips fell off, that wouldn't cause them to stop functioning, and replacing the tips wouldn't fix any problems that you are having.

You mentioned that your balances don't seem to work, though. What's the issue you've been having with them, as far as how they have been operating?
Quick Learner from NY
Dear Mike,
The plastic tip on a tilt-out spiral balance provides the connection between the spiral and the coil spring inside the aluminum tube. It is a critical, absolutely essential piece. Please find out if Swisco will sell the plastic, red tip piece. The issue with my balances is the lack of connection between the spiral and the coil spring. A new, unbroken red plastic tip would provide the crucial connection between the spiral and the coil spring. Thank you.
Paul from SWISCO
Thanks for coming to SWISCO. Unfortunately, the spiral balances arrive at our facility pre-assembled by the manufacturer, and they don't sell the components to make or repair the balance. If your red tip has become disconnected, your balance is essentially finished, and you will need a whole new one.
Quick Learner from NY
Thank you,Paul. I assume the red tip balance could be replaced with a blue tip balance. Wouldn't this be a stronger balance; less likely to break?
Paul from SWISCO
The S600-31 red tip has a sash weight range between 7 and 29 lb, and the blue tip has a range of 12-31 lb. So yes, the blue tip is stronger and has a slightly longer lifespan.
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