770 series with T-Lock Balance Shoe

Handy Person from Chicago
I have what appears to be a Series 770 29" balance stamped 29C BSI KH where the BSI is vertically imprinted between the C and the letters KH. My channel depth is ~1/2" and width seems to be ~1.25" wide.

I need 2 new bottom shoes. I did use screwdriver and turned black circular piece in Picture 1 counterclockwise to release shoe, and then was able to slide old shoe up in the channel. Looks like my old shoe could be your 1-1/4" T-Lock Balance Shoe, Product Code: 15-195.

Picture 1 is from the broken bottom shoe. Picture 2 is same broken shoe with me holding piece I think came from shoe. I wasn't sure.

Picture 3 is from intact portion of top of bottom shoe from existing working window. It doesn't seem to be precisely same as your product code 15-195.

1) I can't get broken bottom shoe out and I'm not sure your spreaders will work as frame seems pretty rigid and there is no slot in frame to slide out the shoe. Any other ideas I might try? If I do want to try spreaders, maybe Swisco could do free loaners on spreaders with deposit and refund deposit when spreaders are returned? Kind of like a core charge on car batteries.

2) What is steel piece I'm holding in picture 2 go to?

3) Do you think your part 15-195 will work for me?
User submitted photos of a balance shoe.
6 Replies
Paul from SWISCO
Thanks for posting. Yes, I believe that our Series 770 appears to be the right match. You cannot use our 15-195 shoe with that, however. The 15-195 is meant to physically attach to a very particular channel balance. It does not work like other pivot lock shoes.

I think your shoe is something closer to our 15-121. Take a look and let me know what you think. That metal piece is a part of the shoe that has broken off. You can see that very same piece on many of our pivot lock shoes, including the 15-121 for example.
Handy Person from Chicago
Thanks for feedback. I went ahead and ordered the 15-121 as I agree they look same and dimension seem same. Don't know precisely as old show still in until I can safely take my rotozip to create exit channel for it.

On another note, I was going to add some replacement wool pile weatherstripping. My windows are original and about 15 years old. Old pile is worn down somewhat and pretty dirty. Generally speaking, on windows that old (and whole south facing exposure), what kind of weatherproofing/energy efficiency improvement can I expect to get with pile replacement? Or should I not do it if it's not torn or damaged?
Dave Sr.
Dave Sr. from SWISCO
Thanks for getting back to us! If you're removing your sash, then now is definitely the time to replace your weatherstripping. Now, wool pile offers very good weatherproofing, but you should replace your existing weatherstripping with what was installed originally. Do you know the dimensions of your existing weatherstripping? Could we perhaps see an illustration or picture of its profile with dimensions? We could match something up for you then.
Quick Learner from Chicago
received and replaced the 2 shoes today and I have a working window again! Next window will go faster as I learned to turn cam 90 degrees clockwise on right side and 90 degrees counterclockwise on left side to lock shoe and place and align cams with window posts. Window has to be inserted at just the correct angle to fit into shoe.

Once I had one shoe set, had to finaggle (technical term) the other shoe slightly higher to get it to fit in. After that, Voila, just like in video.
Paul from SWISCO
Great news! I'm glad to hear that everything worked out for you. Please let us know if you have any other questions, we'd be more than happy to help out.
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