ACME 1012-000

Quick Learner
Jan 23, 2023 6:43 am

My old ACME wardrobe doors keep coming off the tracks. I think it's because the wheels are so worn and no longer slot into the tracks securely. Perhaps there's more to it than that, but that's my suspicion after inspecting the mechanism.

My question is, can I purchase the nylon wheels? And if so, what is the model number? I've tried doing a search with the number that is present on the plastic arm that's behind the wheel but my search didn't return anything helpful or relevant.

Any help will be greatly appreciated. I think the wardrobes are nearly 40 years old, but aesthetically from the outside they look great. Ideally, I'd just like to replace some of the hardware and get them working properly again.

I look forward to your reply,

Many thanks,
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3 Replies
Jasmine from SWISCO
Jan 24, 2023 4:01 pm

Unfortunately, Acme was bought out by Stanley Hardware before the turn of the century and Stanley didn't carry over this style of roller. 

We do have a roller you might be able to retrofit to your door, 23-285. Take a look at this and let us know what you think.

Dimensions for 23-285
Dimensions for 23-285

Quick Learner
Jan 25, 2023 3:07 am
Thanks, Jasmine.

Do you know if they have been successfully retrofitted to this style of door before?

Jasmine from SWISCO
Jan 26, 2023 12:54 pm

Unfortunately, we cannot confirm if this will be able to be successfully retrofitted. This was recommended based on other recommendations for Stanley doors we've seen, but honestly, this is a "Hail Mary" in terms of a part recommendation.

You'll likely need to drill holes for the installation and you'll need to make sure this will be compatible with your track.

I apologize that we can't make a better, more concrete, recommendation.

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